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Three strategies to Help You Revisit Your Purpose in 2022

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in September 2021, the rate of workers quitting their jobs hit an all-time high of 4.3 million in the United States. Beyond this, a recent article published by Bloomberg Businessweek implies that the great resignation is becoming more of a global trend, especially among wealthy nations. According to the Bloomberg Businessweek article, surveys suggest that the overriding reasons workers are quitting include the pandemic and mental burnout. This blog post aims to provide three strategies you can use to recover your career ambitions and, ultimately, your purpose in life. Whether you recently resigned from your job or looking to reset your life, these three strategies (if executed with regularity) will help to jumpstart your journey to discover or rediscover “your why.”

#1 Reflection

 Reflection as a spiritual practice is more than just mental gymnastics. True reflection goes beyond the conscious dimensions of the mind to get in touch with the unconscious register. Some would call this exercise mindfulness; others consider it as a form of prayer. However you choose to describe it, reflection should be approached with a nonjudgmental and open posture. To be transparent, in addition to having a long career in secular institutions, I am also a licensed, ordained minister. Therefore, I approach the practice of reflection through the lens of prayer. Prayer is not complicated; it is simply having a conversation with God about what is on your mind. As with any productive conversation, there is always a time to talk and a time to listen. Having an open posture in reflection allows us to listen to what the Spirit of God is saying.

Whether you call it mindfulness or prayer, the significance of reflection is to get out of your mind and connect with your spirit. That said, if you are not accustomed to quieting the constant annoying thoughts that seemingly plague all humans, then this exercise will not be easy at first. Nevertheless, with consistency and practice, you will be well on your way to finding or rediscovering your life’s mission.

For those who need a little extra help with quieting anxious thoughts while reflecting on your purpose, I recommend keeping a journal close at hand. After journaling consistently for more than ten years, I have found unique thought patterns begin to surface as I quiet my mind and ignore intrusive thoughts. Either way, journaling is the most effective way of detecting negative and positive thought patterns. Our thought patterns should be subject to spiritual discernment as to whether they are constructive or destructive. The Scriptures tell us that God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you” ( Jer. 29:11-13, ESV). Since God does not show any partiality (Rom. 2:11) to humanity, His intentions toward us are the same as they were for Jeremiah, the prophet. Subsequently, we can approach our heavenly Father with confidence and know that his plans for us are good!

#2 Analyze Your Strengths

 Even though there is a natural tendency to focus on our human weaknesses, we are often much more productive when we harness our strengths. One of the most important books that I have read to enhance my leadership skills and self-discovery is Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath. The Strengths Finder system was initially discovered by Donald O. Clifton, a psychologist recognized for his research in Strengths-Based Psychology. The Clifton Strengths Finder was designed to tease out an individual’s top talents. Gallup Inc. expanded this technology  to assist individuals with becoming more productive in their work and personal lives. In case you are wondering, I do not have any connection with the Gallup organization. I came across this information during my doctoral work in transformational leadership. To learn more about this system, you can visit their website at There may be other systems that you want to explore as well.

No matter which strengths evaluation system you choose, I suggest that you determine how well it stacks up against what you are already learning during your time of reflection. There is no one quick fix when it comes to discerning your purpose. Authentic self-discovery is a process that takes place over time. However, there are signposts that help us to reach the many  destinations that make up the journey. Reflection and analyzing your strengths are just two strategies to get you started on the pathway to purpose realignment. Understanding your strengths gives you a focused direction and helps to rule out distractions.

One of the most interesting features of the Strength Finders assessment is the reliability of outcomes. Based on my experience of taking the test twice, my top five strengths did not change between the first and second tests. Also, I have spoken with others who have taken this assessment many times, and they contend that the same top five strengths have emerged repeatedly in their results. Another great feature of the Strengths Finder assessment is its flexibility of application. For example, one of my top strengths is “connectedness.” What this means is when I am using this strength, I help people to understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best: “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.” He made this statement during a sermon at his church, The Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, on Christmas eve in 1967. You can hear the entire sermon at Please note, I am saying that Dr. King had this strength and used it as an example of how this strength works on an extreme level. However, Dr. Martin King Jr. lived an extraordinary life, and there will never be another person like him. He is just one example of how people can connect with their purpose when they know their strengths and begin to operate in them.

#3 Get Feedback

 If you have gotten this far into reading the blog post, I hope you understand by now that you should not execute all three strategies at once. Instead, each strategy informs the other when they are integrated. Therefore, after you have gone through the process of reflection and analyzing your strengths, you should ask a trusted friend, professional, or family member if they think your conclusions are accurate. In other words, do they see your strengths the way you do? How do your strengths inform your purpose? What are some things that others notice about you? It is important to seek advice from those who have successfully navigated these twists and turns. Professional coaching can be effective in helping you create a roadmap concerning the next steps on the journey. Insights Plus Consulting (IPC) may be able to help you develop a plan and provide the needed support as you execute it. For a free coaching consultation, please email us at

In conclusion, whether you use IPC or another coaching professional, listening to the voice inside of you is most important. Whomever you choose to help you through the discernment process, please remember that God is the designer and knows your purpose better than anyone else. I wish you all the best as you revisit your life’s purpose.

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